Singing Guide: Gjon's Tears

Singing Guide: Gjon's Tears

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

We're going to learn how to sing like Gjon's Tears, the striking Albanian singer who took the stage in 2021 Eurovision Song Contest and left the audience breathless with his emotional performance of "Tout l'univers."

Gjon's unique vocal technique is characterized by a strong and clear falsetto and a wide vocal range, which he effortlessly stretches from high notes to deep, rumbling lows. However, his style is not just about technical prowess, as he infuses his singing with intense emotion and vulnerability, leaving listeners feeling every word of his lyrics.

If you want to learn to sing like Gjon's Tears, then you're in the right place. Here are some practical tips and relevant Singing Carrots resources that will help you on your journey:

Vocal Technique

  • To develop a clear falsetto, you can practice exercises to strengthen your head voice. Singing Carrots' Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game offers a variety of exercises to develop your falsetto, such as "Getting High," "Scaling High," and "Holding High."
  • To expand your vocal range, try practicing exercises and warm-ups that start at the extremes of your range and gradually work towards the middle. Join Educational singing course and learn about warm-ups and stretching techniques to strengthen and widen your vocal cords for a more dynamic and comprehensive vocal range.

Emotional Performance

  • To connect emotionally with a song, it's important to understand the meaning of the lyrics. Singing Carrots' Articulation and How to analyze your voice articles can help you dissect phrases, words, and emotions of the lyrics.
  • Practice performing in front of others to get used to the pressure of being on stage. Check out our Tips for performing on stage article to learn more about how to prepare for a performance and deliver a great show.
  • To unlock emotions, experiment with character and storylines. Singing Carrots' Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking article will guide you through how the power of imagination and emotion can feed your vocal expression.


  • To sing like Gjon's Tears, check out his original music and covers of his favorite songs on Youtube. Find songs that translate well to your vocal range and personal style. Use Singing Carrots' Search songs by vocal range tool to identify candidates for your repertoire.
  • Try to incorporate elements of Gjon's style into your singing. Observe his vocal technique (falsetto, vibrato) and emotional delivery to understand how best to imitate his style.


Learning to sing like Gjon's Tears requires dedication, practice, and patience. But with the help of Singing Carrots' resources like the Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game, Tips for performing on stage, and Search songs by vocal range, you'll be well on your way to achieving the stunning range and emotion that is the hallmark of Gjon's unique singing style.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.